Officer and Committee Chair Descriptions
The PTO Executive Board is comprised of elected Officers. It meets one evening per month to conduct PTO business. Anyone may attend. Regular meetings for the entire membership also meet one evening per month.
Elected Officers
Co-President - Serve as leader and key contact for the PTO; preside at all PTO meetings; ex-officio member of all committees; coordinate work of officers and committees so PTO objectives are met.
Co-Vice President of Fundraising - Act as an aide to the President; perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to serve; assume other responsibilities as assigned by the Executive Board; coordinate the general activities of committees created by the Executive Board.
Secretary - Keep minutes of all General and Executive Board Meetings; prepare correspondence and perform other duties as directed; maintain organizational documents of Corporation.
Treasurer - Responsible for and has custody of all funds; make disbursements as properly authorized; present at all PTO events where money will be collected; make sure PTO policies and best practices are followed regarding funds; prepare financial reports for each meeting and as needed; prepare books for an annual audit.
Board Member at Large - Act as a parliamentarian to assure that meetings and processes are conducted in accordance with bylaws; advise on parliamentary procedures using Robert’s Rules of Order; bring current copy of bylaws to all meetings; assist President(s) as needed.